Today felt like spring! I didn't get to spend much time out of doors, due to the whole working thing, but I enjoyed it as best I could nevertheless.
When I got home, I found a package in the letterbox. It was from Nature Boy's mother.
Here is what was in it, along with a new pic of the Natural Stitches sweater:
The pattern book on the left was printed in 1946, the one on the right in 1950. They belonged to Nature Boy's grandmother and were marked with little written comments by Nature Boy's mother. Apparently, she was an avid knitter and made countless sweaters, bonnets, booties and mittens in her lifetime. I was so touched to receive something like this! It's fun to look through the patterns at what was "in style" then and what is "in style" now. The colors, the types of yarn available, the price of the books (25 and 50 cents, respectively),the classics that we still wear today like argyle cardigans. There are also those strange things, like knit snowsuits and bathing suits, that make me itch and chuckle at the same time.
The Natural Stitches sweater body is almost done except from the trim along the opening. The sleeves are next, hopefully I will pick up and start one sleeve tonight. I am really taking my time on this which is probably not the best, since I still have many other things I want to make as well.
We also started our 'mater seeds on Monday. They are the ones we save year to year, the heirloom seeds my father grows and saves as well. They originally came from an Italian friend of my father's whose mother brought them from the Old Country. I blessed them in a small ritual first, then Nature Boy and I planted them in flats in the basement. I was tired but really wanted to get them started on the full moon. We both made guesses as to when the first sprouts will emerge.
Tomorrow brings snow again but I almost don't mind. I leave you with a view of the The Iz (Isabella Maria) monitoring the estate grounds, which is her job as the official Knitsburgh Estate Guard: