So there are two in my life now. Two that must have attention and I must try to divide it evenly. Two that I love. Two. I'm talking baby sweaters peeps; what did you think I was talking about???
I cast on for a vintage baby sweater with the yarn scooped up at the LYS recently. It's coming along but like so many of my projects, at a somewhat slow pace. With the use of a boppy I can actually knit while nursing the Wee One. In fact, this might be TMI but we are nursing atop the boppy as I type this out. Since discovering this I hope to knit much more.
Anyway, the pattern for the Red Sweater is from one of the books that Nature Boy's mother gave me from some books that his grandmother had and used. She told me that her mother had knit many a sweater for babies from the two books she gifted to me; I wonder did she ever knit this one? I wonder if she also would have chosen to knit this one for the Wee One out of all the other patterns too?
The center stitch pattern is sort of a mock-cable. On the right side, it looks like this:
seed stitch 4, *slip 1, k 2, pass slipped stitch over 2 knitted stitches, seed stitch 4*; repeat between * once
Wrong side:
seed stitch 4, *p1, yo, p1, seed stitch 4,*;repeat between * once.
The next two rows are as follows:
seed stitch 4, *k3, seed stitch 4*; repeat between * once.
seed stitch 4, *p3, seed stitch 4*; repeat between * once. The slipped stitch ends up crossing over in faux cable fashion. The yo kind of disappears within the work but keeps the stitch count the same. I still prefer the real cable effect but this is kinda cool in its own way.
So Nature Boy doesn't read this unless forced to, which at first I took as an insult, but now I am OK with it. It means I can tell you about the Birthday Project. I need to make Nature Boy some socks for his upcoming birthday. We normally go camping for the weekend as he loves camping almost as much as he loves the Wee One! He gets that Camping Smile all over his face and just beams all weekend as he gathers the firewood and starts the fire, or as he hikes, or as he makes a mean mountain pie pizza for dinner. I happen to have in my stash a skein of Bernat Sox Yarn in Camouflage which a. will suit Nature Boy because of the green colors; b. will be perfect for socks and not a sweater (Nature Boy will not wear sweaters, no ifs, ands or buts) and finally, c. will make him happy that I actually used yarn I ALREADY POSSESS instead of buying more. So I need a nice pattern for a pair of plainish men's socks with some ribbing due to the use of vegan (therefore not wool and not as innately stretchy) fibre. This has been more difficult than one might think. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to send 'em my way.
Plenty of good things too--my orchid is blooming again (I cut off the last blooms and yay, it decided to bloom for us):
...2.13...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...
1 week ago
Here you go. Come join us for knitting at the Borders at South Hills Village every other Friday at 7:30 (next meeting is on the 21st -- you can bring Wee One) and I can help you out if you need it. Or just email me (I'll send my email on Ravelry) and we can make arrangements for a face to face if you need it.
SWEET LAURIE! My sis is coming in to stay with us and meet her new nephew that weekend, so maybe in September I can try and make it, sounds like fun. Thanks for the pattern, it's perfect!!! Nature Boy won't be around this evening so it may be the perfect time to cast on...wish me luck and thanks for your offer to assist (which hopefully you won't regret later...)
Well...I knew you weren't talking about that sweet babe...
...lovely little sweaters...
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