SO I did manage to pick up the stix this week a bit, and made some progress on my knitting, but it is very boring progress indeed (straight stockinette up the body now since I finished my decreases--knit in the round for that matter so I do not even need to complete a dreaded purl, just monotonous knit stitches, one after the other). One place I did knit was in the CAR on the way to our REALTOR's office. We made it through the home inspection--all systems are go!
This weekend we went to Home Depot to scope out some stuff we need/want for the house (pending everything continuing as planned and we close...). I have never looked at toilets in my life before but did so with great zest and zeal recently. This home ownership thing may have me becoming an adult after all. My lost rune also came home to me in the mail this week--check out Molly sent my Ehwaz, which was missing at the time I purchased the set. They are handmade glass runes in the loveliest green shades. If you go back a few posts, you can also see her earrings and yes, stitchmarkers as modeled by my lovely assistant, Sittin' Grampa. You can also see my current project in the background.
My only other news is sort of sad. A whole day smearing henna into the old mop and no one even noticed! Henna is a nightmare, kids. It's the consistancy and color of goose poop (not exaggerating here either), it is hard to coat every strand of hari, you must sit in it for hours with your head wrapped in plastic, and it leaves your hair smelling of hay for days. Plus, in order to help cover the gray, I added some vinegar and fresh brewed coffe to the henna. Just imagine the smell of that one! When you rinse it out, millions and billions of fine leaf particles hit the shower head and spray over the shower walls, floor, shower curtains and shampoo bottles, necessitating an intense and thorough cleaning to prevent perma-stain. Your hands if unprotected also turn a fine shade of pea green. My guy told me my hair looked very shiney that evening though. Shiney is not worth the trouble though! So back to gray for me, seems to be where I belong.
...2.13...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...
1 week ago
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