I feel like I haven't updated all my fans in forever. I'm sure the masses must be wondering what fantastic adventures I've been so absorbed by that I am unable to blog. I could say anything here, really give you something imaginative and awe-inspiring. But you will get the truth.
I've been working and worrying and cleaning and watching very bad TV. That will pretty much sum up my life of late. Oh, and some shopping was in there too.
My job has been on my mind a lot recently. Sleep has proven difficult due to this as well. I stopped into Moonstones this past weekend for some assorted incense and found some soap and body lotion for Kay, called Hot & Flashy, which has lemongrass which is said to help with menopause. Anyway, on a whim I went ahead and had a reading done. I asked about my job/career and was given some guidance. I was also told I would have a male child who would prefer to drink a lot of liquids and would be an atheist (???). I'll keep you posted as to the accuracy of the reading as time goes by. I also had an interview today which I almost cancelled after the reading, but decided to go ahead and give it a shot. Now I seem even more confused than ever!
I will have a picture of my latest design, a small gift for Kay to go with the bath goodies. I'll post it after she retrieves the gift so as not to spoil the suprise, though I doubt she reads this or knows of its existance.
Anyway, I am headed out of town to the Icebox of PA tomorrow with the guy for Russian Xmas with his huge extended family. In the 13 years we've been together, I only made it to one giant extended family event. I'm a bit apprehensive, but will take along the knitting and Sudoku and will make the best of it all. Luckily, we also have a long weekend (Monday off) and I will be able to stay an extra night--yippee! Have a great knitterly weekend kids and drink something wicked for me!!!
...2.13...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...
1 week ago
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