Look what Kay made for me!
It came in the mail last week. She crocheted this lovely vegan ruffle for me and sent it to me out of the blue. I love suprises like that!
This weekend I made it out to the Handmade Arcade. It was busy so at times was hard to see all of the wares for sale. I bought a necklace, by Ursula and Olive:

There were so many beautiful things there but with me being on a budget right now due to my being unemployed, I really couldn't do any more than admire. Plus I had to get back home to watch the Steelers game, which unfortunately, did not end in the way the Steeler Nation would have liked.
Today I went to another interview with a temp agency. I now type 51 wpm, up from 49. At least there is improvement. Honestly, I haven't knit in about 2 weeks now and I need to just jump back on that horse already. Maybe today. Maybe...
I'll leave you with my List of Things I Believe:
- Karma will find you, you know who you are!
- Sometimes seemingly bad things happen as a way to protect us from further harm.
- Chocolate improves mental health.
- Cats that are sleeping are one of the cutest things on this earth.
- Cats that are awake and bad are one of the cutest things on this earth.
- Sunshine is medicine.
- Obama is going to change things for the better.
- Thanksgiving Dinner will taste so good this year and I won't be working--yay!
- Sometimes if you tell yourself not to throw up inside your head over and over, you won't throw up.
- Your mom won't know if you don't make your bed every day once you grow up and move out on your own.
That scarf is lovely - purple is my favorite color!
Thanks! I really like the color too. It looks especially lovely draped around in my living room...
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